Why taking a sabbatical could be bad for you

If you're considering taking a sabbatical, it could be a good idea to set your priorities first

why taking a sabbatical could be bad for you
by JoseRacowski
December 24, 2022
See also

If you’re considering taking a sabbatical, it could be a good idea to set your priorities first. A sabbatical is not the same as a vacation, and if it’s something you haven’t done before then there are things you need to think about carefully.

Taking a sabbatical is not the same as vacation

Taking a sabbatical is not the same as vacation. Sabbaticals are about learning and growing, whereas vacations are about relaxing. While you may feel like taking time off from work will help you recharge, that’s not always the case. The purpose of a sabbatical—and what differentiates it from a vacation—isn’t just having some free time; it’s also an opportunity to learn new skills or improve upon existing ones in order to build up your resume or otherwise move forward with your career goals once you return (or start) working again.

A sabbatical needs to be planned carefully

Sabbaticals are not the same as career breaks. A sabbatical is more of a professional project in which you can make good use of your time and energy, whereas a career break is about leisure and travel. Therefore, the first thing to do is distinguish between these two terms so that you know what kind of break you are taking, whether it’s for work or pleasure.

Career breaks are usually shorter than sabbaticals and less frequent due to their nature (i.e., they’re only supposed to be taken once every few years).

It's important to have a clear aim for your sabbatical

It’s important to have a clear aim for your sabbatical.

Define the problem before starting on a solution. Do you want some time for yourself? Do you need to learn new skills? Do you neet time to reassess your priorities?

Don’t worry about other people’s goals; instead, be ambitious and realistic with your own.

You should also make sure you'll be able to afford it

The cost of a sabbatical can vary widely depending on the length, location, and purpose. 

If it involves traveling, a shorter stay in a more expensive city might be more expensive than a longer stay somewhere cheaper. You should also consider the cost of travel and accommodation, especially if you’re planning to visit friends or family members who live at some distance from your primary residence.

If you are planning to not work for several months, it is also important to consider the time it is gonna take to find a new job. 

If you are your family’s provider, it is important to align expectations with your significant other. Some expenses could create a lot of stress between you.

Moreover, plan for an unexpected expense, like a health problem, for example.

You'll need to think about how people will view you when you return

You’ll need to think about how people will view you when you return.

You may be viewed as uncommitted to your career or lazy if your peers see that you took time off with no plan in place for what comes next. Your boss might feel like he or she can’t trust you since you didn’t stick around for the whole year. In addition, there’s always the possibility of being seen as “the slacker,” even if your colleagues knew about your plans beforehand and approved them (or even suggested them).

Plan your sabbatical carefully or you might regret it later

If you take a sabbatical, plan it carefully.

Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve during your sabbatical and how long it will last. If the period is too short, you may not get much done and it could feel like a waste of time. If it’s too long, there will be little opportunity for employment at the end of your break, especially if most employers won’t allow more than two years off work at one time.

Be sure that funding for your sabbatical is secure before starting on this journey. Don’t rely on cash from family or friends.


So, if you’re thinking about taking a sabbatical, make sure to plan it carefully. Think about what your aim is and how you will achieve it. And remember that it might not be the right choice for everyone — only those who are in a position financially and career-wise to take this kind of break should consider doing so.

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